Ronald Abrams
Philadelphia, PA
Ronald Abrams of Philadelphia, PA was awarded a grant in the amount of $5,304. In 2022 Mr. Abrams was diagnosed with esophageal cancer, and has been battling it ever since. He is currently undergoing treatment and has been unable to work. These funds will help with his medical and living expenses.
Laurie Zagrodny
Salem, NH
A grant in the amount of $7,343 was awarded to Laurie Zagrodny of Salem, NH to help her with unpaid medical and other expenses. Laurie suffered a heart attack in October, 2022; an aneurysm was discovered which will need open-heart surgery. These funds will help with Laurie’s financial stress.
$500 Grants have been issued to the following recipients:
Live-Life-Love for Bill Kennedy, Georgetown, MA
Buffey Henry, Manchester, NH
Sandra & John Dubuc, Hudson, NH
Rita Lopinksy Fund, Stoneham, MA
Virginia Williams, North Andover, MA
Russell & Anne Garrity, Melrose, MA
The Carter Finger Fund, Carnegie, PA
Larry Settles, Methuen, MA
Abdela Ali, Manchester, NH
Fitzgerald Family, MA
Maggie & Tom Tillman, MA
Helen Howard, York, PA
New Hampshire Troopers Association, Manchester, NH