Kathleen Haluchak
Fort Myers, FL
On September 10, 2017 a grant was issued to Kathleen Haluchak from Fort Myers, FL. Kathleen and her husband's home was damaged due to Hurricane Irma. The grant was to help them out with expenses such as food and basic necessities. Their Guardian Angel is Judy Hitchneir from CT.
Elizvette Diaz
Elizabeth Flores
Las Piedra, Puerto Rico
$1,000 was donated to help with the devastation of Hurricane Maria. Their guardian angels are Jodie Easton, Carl Eklund & Don Martin
Beria Magic
Stoneham, MA
On August 26, 2017 a grant was issued to Beria Mugisha from Stoneham, MA. The grant was to help Beria with medical expenses. Beria's husband was in a serious car accident and while hospitalized diagnosed with cancer. Beria's guardian angle is Rose Nice.
Damion Plaisled
Rochester, NH
$1,333 grant to assist with a tutor for Damian who suffers from Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy and is not able to leave his home. His guardian angel is Maira Lucia Petagna, Family Support Coordinator, Partners In Health/Manchester VNA, NH.
Patty Barkas
Lincoln, MA
$25,697 has been donated to help Patty with her uncovered medical treatments for Squamous Cell Carcinoma cancer of the tongue. Patty has a long battle ahead of her and continues to fight this terrible disease.
In addition, grants were also given to the following:
Second Wind for Josh, Gorham, ME
Matt Beaudin
Medina Family
Fisher House (Freedom Fund)
Boston, MA
Tysha Talavera
Beria Mugisha
Stoneham, MA
Kathleen Haluchuck (Hurricane Fund)
Fort Myers, FL
Syria Sinoski (Hurricane Fund)
Spring, TX
Lancaster Children’s Home
Lancaster, NC
Rachel Zeno (Hurricane Relief Fund)
Houston, TX
Nakita Wilson (Hurricane Relief Fund)
Houston, TX
Katarina Hrebikova
Park Ridge, NJ
Bianco Castro (Hurricane Relief Fund)
Houston, TX
Chantel Smith (Hurricane Relief Fund)
Baytown, TX
Linda Lee Kay Medical Fund